Transforming the lives of the world's poorest people.
Humanity We is a new, ambitious, and highly innovative idea to address the world’s most difficult problem: poverty, to transform the lives of people, families and whole communities living in debilitating multi-generational poverty all across the world. Our program provides a full solution to escape poverty, and the ability to live dignified human values and a better future, community by small rural community.
The RISE Project is our 14 part formula and collaborative execution to transform the poorest rural communities on earth, with a 10 year commitment for each community. We implement infrastructure development, social change, leadership advancement, increased economic development, technology transformation, and all other of the 14 key elements, to kickstart lasting change and generational advancement.

Economic Stagnation:
The economic ramifications of poverty are far-reaching.
Individuals trapped in poverty have restricted access to economic opportunities and resources, resulting in lower income levels and constrained consumer spending, along with the loss of human potential.
Consequently, local businesses suffer, economic growth is stymied, and the cycle of poverty perpetuates as reduced resources lead to further economic contraction. In this self-perpetuating cycle, economic stagnation becomes the norm, depriving nations of the prosperity they could achieve with a vibrant and inclusive economy.

Humanity We
is a very big idea.
We are focused on delivering a highly innovative solution to the world's biggest problem; POVERTY for 1.2 billion people.
Four out of every five people who face extreme poverty globally, live in rural areas.
We commit 10 years to work with small rural communities around the world to provide the tools, resources, infrastructure, leadership, technologies and knowledge to help them move out of dehumanizing, generational poverty, to participate in the advanced global social society and market economies.
A bold vision to help millions of people and communities move out of debilitating generational poverty.
The RISE Project combines all elements needed to lift entire small rural communities in developing countries across the world, out of dehumanizing extreme poverty.

The idea came after drilling clean water wells in some of the world's poorest villages. Here I experienced first-hand, the cruel reality, human indignity, and complete powerlessness for whole generations...
An inability to escape extreme poverty controls the daily and future lives and potential of children, families, and entire communities.
This is not right in today's world.

We live in an advanced technological age
where "the haves" have the ability to create a good life for themselves and their families and can impact the life they want...while "the have-nots" have no chance of advancing their lives at all. After delivering clean water to rural communities, I observed that despite the best efforts of government and some extraordinary NGOs, these villages remained living in poverty, with absolutely no way out. In fact they are moving further and further behind the rest of the world - as the invisible millions, left out of the benefits of global advancement.
I needed to know "why" 10% of the people in the world live in extreme poverty, including 41% of Sub-Saharan Africa and many other poor global regions live this way. After several months of deep research, (including interviews with the United Nations, (Global Sustainable Development Goals) World Bank, W.H.O, Unicef and others), I determined that there are 14 key elements that keep whole communities living in poverty. If "all" 14 elements can be addressed, with a commitment of 10 years for each community to help implement the infrastructure, knowledge, technologies, training and leadership - the community including all individuals and households have the ability to move their lives forward out of poverty and into new potential and new hope, to become a part of the global economy and social community.
- Peter Ashworth, Humanity We Founder

We are a moonshot.
A radical new idea to eliminate extreme poverty... we define the innovations, deliver a new generation of technologies and new knowledge, alongside expert execution - to solve some of the world’s hardest problems.
We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.
- John F. Kennedy, Sept. 12, 1962.
That spirit of hope, bold ideas and a promise to help the most vulnerable people on earth, drives our commitment to achieve our audacious goal, to eradicate extreme poverty on earth, a major milestone in our human destiny.

Our Story
​At our core we do 2 things exceptionally well.
1. Innovate.
2. Execute.
All lives have equal value.
“We believe that all lives have equal value. That all men and women are created equal. That everyone belongs.
That everyone has rights, and everyone has the right to flourish.
We believe that when people who are bound by the rules have no role in shaping the rules, moral blind spots become law, and the powerless bear the burden.
We believe that entrenched social norms that shift society’s benefits to the powerful and its burdens to the powerless not only hurt the people pushed out, but also hurt humanity as a whole.”
― Melinda Gates, co-founder the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (ed.)
― All of us @Humanity We

We stand for the idea that accepting the status quo of millions of disempowered people, families and whole communities is unacceptable.
We believe that with compassion, science, knowledge, innovation, technologies and the unwavering commitment of people who care to make a difference, we can overcome the immense obstacles to move the poorest people on the planet out of poverty to live with dignity and new opportunities to positively contribute to the world.
We take a whole community approach.
The RISE Project focuses on implementing effective solutions to the 14 major elements that will enable individuals, households and communities to move forward out of generational poverty.
We commit 10 years to each small rural village to implement each of the elements, and coordinate and manage community training, mindset and leadership development. We manage every aspect, implement the best innovations, technologies, and infrastructure, and work in close collaboration with the highest performing specialist NGOs in each of the 14 areas, to ensure our goals are reached.

Changing global disparity for millions....because we can.
We are focused on building equity in the world's social order for the poorest people on the planet. We believe this will be an advantage for humanity as a whole.
The RISE Program is designed to reduce the haves and have-nots gap, by helping the poorest small, rural communities develop the knowledge, mindset and infrastructure resources to catch up to the economic output and social norms of the rest of the world.

We are focused on the world's poorest people and the communities and regions where they live.
Over the next 8 years (2022-2030) we will expand ground operations, leadership and capabilities to multiple communities in each of these 8 areas.
The sum of many moving parts. World-class program execution.
1. Determine viable small, rural communities
2. Meet with community and regional leadership (online or in-person)
3. Determine criteria met
4. Commence storytelling programs
5. Benchmark data and determine technology, infrastructure, cultural, leadership structure, and training needs
6. Assemble ground team and determine support people needs
7. Research and determine best regional NGOs for each of the 14 elements
8. Create detailed planning, budget and operational project plan. 9. Coordinate with NGOs and local contractors
10. Implement fundraising
11. Commence operations, project management, infrastructure and solutions implementation
12. Commence community leadership and skills training
13. Continued measurement, and performance analytics.
14. Ongoing program implementation and development
15. Complete program and completely transition to local leadership within 10 year period.


Close collaboration in win-win partnerships with community leaders and the best NGOs, organizations, local-regional-national governments, humanitarian organizations,
contractors, funding sources, donors, corporations, service providers, philanthropic foundations, ambassadors, scientists, thought leaders, schools, leaders, influencers celebrities, and people like you who want to make a difference.
Discover yourself.
Change the world.
Change You.
At it's core, Humanity We is about creating better lives.
Come join us. You will experience real-life transformation, the discovery of your true calling and life purpose, and will benefit from the structured programs that may help you remove limiting beliefs and fears, change debilitating thinking, and give you the skills and knowledge to live a great big life.

Many programs to get involved.
We have created many ways for you to easily get involved. Service to others is the highest form of humanity, so we invite you to explore our options, and choose the one that best suits you.
We must be the change we seek in the world.
We are highly committed to sustainable practices in the way we operate on a daily basis including the minimization of our carbon footprint.
We carefully consider sustainability best practices in all 14 elements of The RISE Project, use sustainable materials and resources wherever possible, are committed to environmental innovation, and teach sustainable practices throughout our programs.
We help the vulnerable communities we work with implement sustainability and social responsibility practices in every way possible to combat the effects of climate change and other environmental issues.
As a socially responsible organization we are mandated to consider the impact our decisions have on people, purpose and planet, and believe that as an organization of talented and motivated individuals, we must hold ourselves to high standards, and to make a difference.

New ideas for very difficult problems.
We are committed to innovation in everything that we do, and look for better ways and new ideas in every solution we implement.
Constant innovation is hard, but we believe the biggest problems can be solved by challenging ourselves to find better ways.
We work on moonshot projects, and while Humanity We is a very big idea, we have seen that throughout human history, when people set their minds to wildly ambitious goals, the seemingly impossible starts to become possible.
We must continue to innovate and find new ways at every possible option. Innovation and moonshot thinking is about pursuing things that sound undoable, but with a commitment to thinking differently, can redefine humanity for millions.

Humanity We In The Press